Thursday, April 16, 2009


The emphasis of the project is to show the different types of informal use of the Minhocão viaduct. The chosen medium is video, to be able to show the continuation of the linear object, experienced from recreational use. At certain intervals video´s show informal events that occur on top of, and underneath the highway.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Project outline development Arife + Toon

Our research topic is Minhocão. The object is a highway dividing the area into two parallel worlds. There is one world on top of the highway and one underneath, both consisting of formal and informal activities.

By day, the deck of the Minhocão is used by cars. It is a busy highway, which is very important for the traffic flow in São Paulo. 80.000 cars pass here each weekday. By night and on Sundays the Minhocão becomes a recreational space. As a formal act it is closed for motorized vehicles; as an informal act it is used for walking, running and cycling.

Under the highway is another busy road. The formal use of the street level consists of several types of businesses and public transport. In the buildings surrounding the highway are shops, some offices, hotels and housing. The space under the highway and in surrounding public spaces is informally used by homeless people and some drug addicts.

Many proposals have been made for Minhocão, examples here, here, here and here. The proposals were made for a design competition. Basically all of them make the Minhocão bigger, and have been designed with little regard for the situation underneath the highway. The informal use is either abandoned or neglected.

Our proposal aims at improving the informal conditions around Minhocão, using minimal, low profile architectural tools. We ultimately want to propose one intervention that effects the informal use both on top and underneath the highway, and connect this to the surrounding public spaces. We will try to do this by stimulating participation of the informal users in their physical environment.

We will map the activities on the highway on different times and different days, using video, photo’s, sections and maps. Eventually we want to propose a design intervention.

How it should work under the viaduct

Section of the proposal

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Photos Minhocão

Sao Paulo weergeven op een grotere kaart

Informal production of space

for both of you I would like to stretch a bit more the topic of the workshop. Your projects can be very interesting and I am sure will create considerable discussion, but I would like to see more conceptualizing of the informal vs formal reality. You mention it here and there with the traffic and public space use but your argumentation would then need a different angle - let me know if you feel uncomfortable with this idea.

Monday, April 13, 2009

area plan

Minhocão + adjacent open spaces

Here you find the winning entry for the competition of Minhocão